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Wed Jul 31 2024 15:57:52
  1. Tata Steel share price
  2. 165.35 0.79%
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  2. 1,156.35 -0.51%
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  2. 495.05 1.03%
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  2. 416.05 2.25%
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  2. 1,214.80 0.36%
Business News/  Industry

Indian Industry Analysis

Indian banks deploy tech tools to counter mule accounts

Typically, the mule accounts involve up to 15 accounts in a distribution chain, and this entire chain is kept ready at any point—with scammers tasked with live-tracing which accounts are operational, and which are not. Premium
Typically, the mule accounts involve up to 15 accounts in a distribution chain, and this entire chain is kept ready at any point—with scammers tasked with live-tracing which accounts are operational, and which are not.
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